The Navarre Health Council announces that Osasunbidea regains pre-pandemic care
  • According to data provided by the Navarro Health Council, Osasunbidea has regained the level of pre-pandemic care, both in terms of consultations and surgical activity.
ARGIA @argia 2021eko ekainaren 15a

The Council underlines that in the first half of 2021 health care data have been obtained for the year 2019. After a year clearly marked by COVID19, they have recalled that the effort to return to this level of care has been important.

In Navarre the rate of vaccination is good and has contributed to minimizing the impact of the pandemic.

On the other hand, the Council has presented the Osasunbidea Report 2020. The role of primary care last year has been highlighted, as most coronavirus infected patients were treated by them (80%), and some cases were later admitted.