Health and care, the public of course, and education?
Euskal Eskola Publikoaz Harro Topagunea 2021eko urtarrilaren 14a

Health, care, pensions, education -- the quality of all these services indicates a society's level of well-being. Throughout the Basque Country, and also in the Basque Autonomous Community, many voices have long been raised in defence of them, which have been increased by the pandemic.

Now is the time to enroll in the educational centers of the CAV, and for many families to answer the question of the title of this paper, to make this decision and to choose the center is not so easy. While talking about freedom of choice in our dual public-private system, some families are going to enroll their children for inertia, others are going to make a well-studied and thoughtful option, and the latter are the ones they supposedly belong to. But regardless of the characteristics of each one, we all want quality education.

The members of the Basque Public School Harro Topagune have the clear answer. We are firmly committed to the public school, both as mothers and fathers and as educational agents, to value it and place it in its proper place. And we want to convey to families and to the whole of society the reasons why we are proud of public education:

"The time comes to enroll in CAV educational centers and for many families to answer the question of the title of this paper and choosing a center is not so easy"

Proud to be universal: the only one that offers open and free basic education for all citizens.

Proud, because it is Euskaldun: it educates the Basques of today and of the future, in all contexts and with the Basque culture, ours.

Proud because it is plural: the coexistence between different people is learned every day living, not teaching; above ideology, origin and socioeconomic level, it is based on respect for people. The public school offers children the tools to live in today's society; in the public school diversity is a wealth that enriches us as people.

Proud, because it's inclusive: it's everybody's and everyone's. It deals with the integral development of all individuals, without forgetting the collective. An education that leaves no one behind despite the differences.

Proud to be a citizen, to be our: from the whole community, from what we have built and continue to build over many years and as a result of the work of families, students, teachers and workers.

Proud to be a school that is changing with society. The public school is participative, with many spaces for participation: Parent associations, MRO (Maximum Representation Body), commissions... Open to internal and external inputs: integrated into towns and neighborhoods.

Proud to be a privileged space for solidarity. Space for coexistence and mutual care.

Proud, innovative: open to improvement and proposals. You learn together and from each other, giving importance to teamwork.

Proud that the feminist view is spreading to the educational community. Because it takes steps towards co-education.

Proud to be sustainable: because being close to home, it fully joins the environment, filling the villages and neighborhoods with life.

Finally, with pride, because the Public School is a school that fulfills all the aforementioned characteristics and that guarantees the education of our sons and daughters. Do you want to join us?

We look forward to you at the Basque public school: Come with us!