Health card?
Joseba Álvarez Forcada @josebaalvarez 2021eko abuztuaren 04a

They say that in liberal democracy based on personal rights, a vaccine against COVID-19 cannot be imposed on the whole of society. But we are increasingly convinced that, even if it is by indirect means, an opposite path is being made in every corner of the world, whatever model of governance you want. In fact, living without a health card is getting harder and harder, making a lot of people angry.

The health card has already become a requirement for crossing the border of several states. It is also essential for public or private transport elsewhere. In most cases, to access the main cultural and/or sporting events it is necessary to have nothing to say. And as if it were not enough, it is becoming inescapable to join more trades or professions. And so, how far are we going? To the point of banning living without a health card?

Perhaps the problem lies not primarily in the imposition of the vaccine, but in the imposition that has been made to ensure such a requirement. Because who, where, how and for what purpose have they made the decision to create the health card that the parliaments have then approved and make it compulsory? For what purpose have they done so?

The compulsory health card has not been the result of a broad social debate among all, but a new measure imposed by the pharmaceutical industry to continue to do business, offering security forces an excellent means of ensuring the control of society. Do not forget that we are talking about the health card and its use and not about the vaccine.

If we all agree to cut individual rights to the benefit of the collective interest, and we do so many times and on a thousand issues, is taxation mandatory? If the health card is an imposition, the obligation is because, apart from social consensus, a minority in power has taken it in defence of their interests.

In other words, if we had accepted the path of agreeing and controlling between all the creation and use of the health card, the need would not have become an imposition. Imposition without this kind of guaranteed social processes is coercion for all, the health card, the system that is controlled by a few rulers and entrepreneurs to guarantee the hunger for power and business.

Your message is clear: if you want to own all rights, you need the health card. It is not a threat, it is a genuine political imposition. If it is not enough, the one who opposes the use of the health card they have created, like the one who is not inserted, will be unsupportive, selfish, reactionary, socially and politically dangerous…

As they are putting things in place, whoever denies the health card in the future will be subjected to violent repression and social exclusion. We will be good or bad citizens depending on the health card... and they all want us to become judges. With the health card, the intention is to implement health apartheid. There is nothing more to do with young people.

And how are they going to guide “in the third and fourth world” this health card tax policy that they want to drive “in the first world”? Because the problem is planetary. There are millions of citizens there willing to be vaccinated, but they don't have vaccines. Here those who want to impose the health card are those who have condemned millions of people to misery, precariousness and poverty. For them, I don't work, I don't work, I don't work, I don't work, I don't work, I don't work, I don't work, I don't work, I don't work, I don't work, I don't work, I don't work, I don't work, I work, I work, I work, I work, I work, I work, I do, I work, I work, I work, I work, I work, I work, I work, I work, I do, I work, I work, I work, I work, I work, I work, I work, I work, I do, I work, I work, I work, I work, I work, I work, I do clean water, I, I work, I do, I do, I work, I work, I work, I do, I work, I, I work, I, I work, I, I work, I do, I do, I do, I work, I work Rights have again become a class issue.

Meanwhile, authorities and healthcare companies are stepping up the road to a round business. The French television says that Pfizer has won $30,000,000… It is not enough, and it is no longer enough that it has been vaccinated twice… Before the end of the year we will have to get vaccinated for the third time, because they promise it. Will we have to put the three vaccines in order to get the health card?

Citizens who do not have the supposed health card will automatically become suspicious of the system and the security forces, and not for health reasons. The algorithms that use the new technologies will soon unite us in the same chain with the population that is not willing to give in to the interests of the economic machine, even because we do not have a health card.

And if things get worse, by increasing social control, we're going to end the lockdown, the curfew or the pathways of social protest in the name of health security. And who will be faced with such a threat? If the measure is not taken, the supposed health card will become a tool that will condition us all the future.

I am opposed to taxation, but I advocate compulsory taxation. That is why I am in favour of vaccination, I am vaccinated and I am in favour of the health card, but to make good use and community control and in no case for that system they want to do. I will therefore protect those who do not want to get vaccinated or do not want to use the health card.

I believe that liberalising private patents on vaccines and starting to participate in consultation with the main decisions that are taken would be to take the first step on the bridge from taxation to compulsion.

* Joseba Álvarez is a member of the left abertzale