They want to present the popular legislative initiative "To Recover Public Health"
  • They have launched a collection of signatures at the state level to bring to parliament a popular legislative initiative that guarantees public health, universal and quality. To do so, they must obtain 500,000 signatures.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko abuztuaren 30a
Mobilizazio bat Osakidetza indartzeko eskatuz.

The CAS Coordinator against the privatization of health has launched the collection of signatures calling for a number of measures. Among the people who have joined the initiative are also agents of Hego Euskal Herria. The aim is for the measures they propose to be discussed in the Spanish Parliament.

The initiative has five basic demands: health care for all people, the repeal of privatisation laws and the recovery of privatised centres, the creation of a public system of pharmacy and medical devices, the recovery and empowerment of primary care and the guarantee of health care in centres for elderly people dependent on the public sector.

Citizens can sign at the next link.