Mental health, why?
Nagore González 2023ko abuztuaren 31

A few months ago, in a group of different ages, I was reflecting on different issues. I was a member of the oldest team and the youngest was about 14 years old. As for mental health, each gave its point of view. At the time of the youth's turn, she told several personal experiences. Apparently, she didn't feel well, she usually went to the psychologist and psychiatrist, and she took psychopharmaceuticals. At school, due to mental illness, the teachers did not want them to be in the room and the measure of studying at home was applied. He says it was not only done as a measure of protection, but also as tranquillity for the teachers. He believes that teachers do not want problems and that he only needed understanding and empathy with his situation. I was excited to see what suffering I was manifesting for every word.

This situation led me to look for information and to find out more cases of this kind. Apparently, in cases such as bullying, mental health, etc., it is possible that a teacher goes to the young person's home to train in it. I do not know who this measure contributes to telling the truth. On the one hand, the child or young person is not related to their older adults and, on the other hand, their mental illness is not complete.

Perhaps we should manage mental health since we are children. There should be a subject for managing emotions, for learning to feel all emotions.

Data indicate that in 2021 there has been a maximum consumption of drugs. Analgesic consumption has increased by 50%. The pandemic does not help to stop consumption. According to experts, since 2011 there was not so much consumption and the best sellers are anxiolytics and antidepressants (in the table of the best sellers in Spain it occupies fifth place).

Psychopharmaceuticals are one of the most commonly used in sanitary diseases today, and with what we see in our environment, it is clear that it is not enough. The institutional solution is the consumption of medicines, and we have seen that it does not work for years, so it is necessary to move from passive policies to assets. Perhaps we should manage mental health since we are children. There should be a subject for managing emotions, ultimately to learn to feel all emotions. Being sad sometimes is fine, you have to learn how to manage that emotion. The problem comes when you're always sad. What problem can a child have to meditate at age 8? Is it really necessary? What happens to a young man to commit suicide? How does a 14-year-old feel to feel overwhelmed? It is not acceptable. I don't know what's going on and what it's all about.

Measures must be implemented before problems arise and we cannot accept a society with children and young people medicated and sad. This is not a problem for some, this is a problem for all and requires a commitment from all. If we do nothing, we will have a sick society.

Nagore González