It is almost a month since the clash between Osakidetza’s management and the heads of service of the integrated health organization OSI Donostialdea erupted. At the beginning of December, the Directorate withdrew two medical chiefs: “By political criteria,” the workers have denounced. Since then, the heads of service have conducted mergers and published a joint letter asking for solutions.
Concentrations were suspended last week because they started to dialogue with the management, but these weeks are coming back together. On Wednesday, Cristina Calvo, Felix Zubia and Manuela Pérez, head of the OSI Donostialdea service, made five requests in a press conference on behalf of a “workers’ assembly”.
Hospital address
First, they consider the “direction coming from the hospital” essential, that is, that the team be made up of people who know the OSI “well and internally”. They request the presence of OSI primary care members.
Request a horizontal technical table to decide on OSI Donostialdea
On the other hand, they stress the need for a technical table in which “all workers” are represented. Berria has stated that by decree, service heads have explained that “clinical care councils” are now being made. However, they see them insufficient, because they are often rare and vertical where workers have no voice.
In this sense, they point out the need for the staff assessment to be “top-down”, that is, that the staff can also evaluate senior officials and management.
Interinity 30-40%
Regarding the stabilization of professionals, they denounce that between 30 and 40% have temporary jobs, which is “big problems”. They call for transparency of information on working conditions.
Finally, they ask for explanations about the organization of the Oncology Unit. They want it to be integrated “fully” into the public services of Osakidetza, and denounce that the convention that Onkologikoa and Osakidetza have just concluded does not make this clear.
They indicate that the next meeting is on 18 January and that concentrations will continue to be held every Monday in the hall of Donostia Hospital.