ESK calls for 30 more doctors to be charged for having received answers in Osakidetza's opposition
  • The ESK trade union has requested the indictment of 30 other doctors and vocals who participated in the Osakidetza examination following the string of irregularities detected in the 2018 competitions in Osakidetza. They have submitted several tests to which they have been accused of having requested the answers in advance or of having received the answers without giving up.
ARGIA @argia 2021eko uztailaren 27a

As reported by the ESK union, these doctors obtained very good grades in the difficult exams, to which other significant elements are added: all have the same correct answers and errors, used answers that do not appear in the literature provided to prepare the oppositions and are friends or close to some of the members of the court who prepared the questions. That was explained by Iker Rioja

The medical specialists in Anesthesia, Angiology, Digestion, Traumatology, Neurosurgery, Neurophysiology, Urology and Cardiology of the Hospital de Basurto have been mentioned in the thirties.

The LAB trade union, for its part, has requested the charge of the then Health Advisor, Jon DarpĆ³n, and other senior officials of the time, for "in vigilando". The trade unions have denounced that Osakidetza has not helped in clarifying these irregularities, it is even more so, "has put obstacles over and over again", with the aim of hindering the investigation.