OSI Director Tolosaldea Ricardo Ituarte, linked to the Osakidetza opposition scandal
  • Ituarte became mayor of Santurtzi with the PNV. He subsequently worked at Osakidetza as the economic manager. His brother performed the perfect practical test in the 2018 opposition, in the anesthesia area, getting 100 points. In January 2019, Ituarte was dismissed from office in Osakidetza.
Tolosaldeko Ataria @tolosaldeataria Asier Imaz 2020ko ekainaren 09a

Precisely, the examination of this specialty was one of the first to give evidence of fraud in the Osakidetza competitions in 2018 and it was Osakidetza himself who ordered to repeat the selection process of this category.

On January 7, 2019 Osakidetza stopped Ricardo Ituarte. The former mayor of Santurtzi has now been appointed Director of Management of the Integrated Health Organization (OSI) of Tolosaldea, integrated in Osakidetza.

Mayor of Orexa, Eneko Maioz, member of EH Bildu de Tolosaldea, has expressed concern about the decision:

"Before in Tolosaldea there were not many problems in sanitation and now this is the problem. It's time to start having the region that we deserve. We need quality, public health and Euskaldun."