Subcontracted workers in Osakidetza will stop from 29 October
  • The cleaning workers, restaurants, kitchens and ambulances of Osakidetza will join the strike that will take place in the coming days. The call for strike has been made by the unions ELA, LAB, CCOO, UGT and ESK, among others.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko urriaren 21
Sindikatuetako ordezkariak Osakidetzako greba iragartzen (argazkia: ELA).

The trade unions ELA, LAB, CCOO, UGT and ESK have convened three days of strike for workers providing cleaning, sanitary and cooking services and cafeteria in Gipuzkoa.Se on 29 October in Álava, 5 November in Gipuzkoa and 12 November in Bizkaia. In total, it is estimated that 4,500 people could participate in the strike, with the aim of denouncing "the structural problems".

In a hearing at the ELA headquarters in Bilbao, spokesman Noemi Etxeberria pointed out that Osakidetza workers working in these areas suffer from a "structural shortage" that the situation generated by the pandemic has left more desolate: "There are not enough staff, vacancies or temporary incapacity are not replaced, there are no security measures and in some groups there are scarce wage conditions."

The trade unions have called on Osakidetza and the Basque Government to shoulder their responsibilities, to take steps towards the privatisation of services, to maintain jobs and to recruit more people, in line with economic and social conditions. They asked them to "put the mediating companies aside" and asked them to ensure decent working conditions.

In view of this situation, the trade unions have encouraged workers in these areas to participate in the calls for strike action and in the meetings of the previous days. These concentrations will be held on 28 October in Gipuzkoa and Bizkaia, on 4 November in Álava and Bizkaia and on 11 November in Gipuzkoa and Álava.