Information notice of children and adolescents at the Mental Health Network of Gipuzkoa in Osakidetza
Osakidetzako Gipuzkoako Haur eta Nerabeen Osasun Mentaleko Sarea 2024ko martxoaren 05a

This notice is subscribed to by children and adolescents from the Mental Health Network of Gipuzkoa in Osakidetza, composed of clinical psychologists, psychiatrists of children and adolescents, nurses specialized in Mental Health, Social Workers and occupational therapists. The objective is to denounce that the services offered are being outsourced, as the Adolescent Day Hospital that will be opened soon will be agreed. We want to convey that it will be implemented in a private centre and with private staff.

We want to remember that in order to work in the Public Entity, workers have to have specific training in Mental Health and meet a number of requirements. These conditions are not guaranteed in the private sector.

First, in the case of adults, for example, in most cases, Day Hospitals are located in outpatient clinics and Mental Health Centers and management is public at 100%, including staff. In the case of our adolescents, however, they should be treated in a private facility and with private staff.

To ensure proper management and care of the Gipuzkoa Day Hospital, we believe that the center should have an absolutely public management, with the guarantee that this implies

Secondly, we would like to inform you that this Osakidetza Network was asked to carry out the Day Hospital project for its joint execution with that Private Hospital. The answer, however, after long work, was immediate: the Day Hospital will be completely private and will be launched. Through the complaints of the professionals, we have been led to believe that the service will be “mixed” because they want to create a public nursing position of Osakidetza. We believe it has been an excuse for genuine privatisation. We find that unacceptable. In addition, we wish to state that we have processed a formal complaint to the Health Advisor by registered letter and that we have not received a reply.

Thirdly, we wish to point out the difference with the other historic territories. In both Álava and Bizkaia there are public hospitals. This inter-territorial difference in Intermediate Resources is old and several attempts have been made to carry out projects. In Gipuzkoa they have always been delayed and excluded.

In the media, after hearing and reading repeatedly that Osakidetza is going to open the Day Hospital, we consider it essential to clarify to the population that this information is wrong. The resource is absolutely necessary for intensive care patients need, but we believe it should be from the monitoring of the therapeutic network project.

Therefore, we believe that to ensure proper management and care of the center, the Day Hospital should have an absolutely public management, with the guarantee that this implies.

Professionals working in the Mental Health Network of Childhood and Adolescence of Gipuzkoa: Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists, Clinical psychologists, nurses specialized in Mental Health, Social Workers and Occupational Therapists, without exception.