Only 19% of Osakidetza users seek care in Basque Country
  • Osakidetza has launched a campaign to encourage people to register in which language they want to receive health care. According to the demand, the objective is to be able to articulate an "integral supply" in Basque of the necessary health services at the different levels of care, as reported by the Basque Government.
Leire Rodriguez Garmendia @leirero_22 2023ko otsailaren 28a
Osakidetzaren kanpaina berria. Argazkia:

77% of the users of Osakidetza indicate which language they want to receive health care, of which only 19% say they want to be cared for in Basque, that is, one in five people.

With this initiative, the Basque Government has expressed its willingness to know users’ priorities in the field of communication language in the health field. Depending on the demand, the objective is to articulate a "comprehensive offer" in Basque of the necessary health services at the different levels of care, either in Primary Care, Specialized Care or Mental Health.

In the case of people who choose Euskera as the preferred language, the registration of patients and other identifying elements of care applications shall contain the blue symbol with the letter "e". Thus, the preference for the use of Euskera in relation to Osakidetza will be manifested.

Standardization of the use of the Basque Country

III Standardization of the Use of the Basque Country. The Plan was approved last year and will last until 2028. The Basque Government points out that the Plan establishes measures to promote the use of the Basque Country, which will apply to all the service organizations that make up Osakidetza.

This Plan continues the process of normalization of the Basque country initiated in Osakidetza in 2003. According to the Government, the objectives and actions fall within three areas: the current situation of the Basque Country and the data, the different levels of assistance of Osakidetza and the level of priority defined in the plan itself.