Workers from outsourced companies in Osakidetza will hold demonstrations on 1 and 3 October to denounce the precarious working conditions to which they are subjected. The city's cleaning workers, ambulances, canteens and cafeterias have called concentrations in the hospitals of Cruces, Donostia-San Sebastián and Txagorritxu, the first at 11:00 hours.
“The overload of work, the lack of resources, the temporality, the partiality in the hiring and the lack of security measures are structural problems of our health system. Today we are facing a second incipient wave of the virus that further aggravates the problem of lack of resources”, stressed in a note signed by the unions ELA, LAB, CCOO, UGT and ESK.
“The situation is even more serious when certain services are made available to private interests, such as cleaning, ambulance and Osakidetza kitchens and cafeterias,” they regretted. In addition, workers report that the fact that a part of the health system is business-oriented means that the companies that manage it “take care more of optimizing their benefits than of ensuring a secure job and service”. By the way, they have acknowledged that the lack of resources in Osakidetza is "common" and that, especially in the subcontracting sector, the problem is "aggravated". In this sense, they have denounced that, during the pandemic, this deficit "jeopardizes the health of workers, users and our families".