LAB denounces that Osakidetza wants to "privatize" computer services
  • LAB has succeeded in temporarily paralysing a subcontracting of Osakidetza. It denounces that Osakidetza already has staff to carry out the work provided for in the contract of EUR 2,000,000 and that it represents a further step in the privatisation of public services.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko uztailaren 20a
Argazkia: LAB

LAB calls on the contractual appeals body to halt, as a precautionary measure, the IT technical office project that Osakidetza intended to outsource. In particular, Osakidetza planned to subcontract at an annual cost of EUR 2,000,000, despite having staff capable of carrying out these tasks in the Osakidetza IT service.

The union has denounced that "in addition to the serious waste of public money, this is a further step in the privatisation and subcontracting of various Osakidetza services. One more step within the so-called cultural change, pointed out by the counselor Sagardui".

LAB denounces that Osakidetza is "trying to privatize" computer services


"In addition to the serious waste of public money, this is a further step in the privatisation and subcontracting of various Osakidetza services. One more step within the so-called cultural change, pointed out by the counselor Sagardui"

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(c) 2022 Europa Press Hau ez du aurre-eta egi eman behar.


LAB denounces that Osakidetza is "trying to privatize" computer services


"In addition to the serious waste of public money, this is a further step in the privatisation and subcontracting of various Osakidetza services. One more step within the so-called cultural change, pointed out by the counselor Sagardui"

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(c) 2022 Europa Press Hau ez du aurre-eta egi eman behar.


LAB adds that Osakidetza’s computer service has long been a “victim of resolution policies”. As a result, the union says that the structures of the public services are “damaged” and that the conditions of the staff of this service are “absolutely precarious”.

LAB denounces that private companies subcontracted by Osakidetza are “often, incidentally, companies headed by PNV members”, which “is even more evident” in relation to computer companies. In fact, they have explained that "many IT companies are created, joined, dissolved, regenerated around Osakidetza's privatized IT services, but the changes, as leaders of these companies, and therefore the people who appear to benefit from privatisations are often the same."

They call on the leadership of Osakidetza and the Basque Government, the government of the PNV and the PSE to "stop demolishing public health". It emphasises that the participation of workers must be guaranteed with a sufficient workforce for the solution. It adds that in the defence of high-quality public health, efforts will be made to "curb and fight vigorously" the path of privatization.