Osakidetza does not release actual contagion and hospitalization data in the second wave of COVID-19
  • In a statement released on Tuesday, Osakidetza acknowledged that it will modify the measurement criteria used so far to account for the positive COVID-19. Regarding the antigen test positives, they were not accounted for and in the hospitalization data, the Public Health Service of the CAV has given figures lower than those of the actual cases.
El Iker Rioja Rubén Pereda 2020ko abenduaren 09a
Donostia zona gorritik aterako da aste honetan, gutxigatik bada ere: 100.000 biztanleko 500 kasutik behera dago une honetan, 499,45ekin.

Osakidetza has consistently given figures lower than the actual hospital occupancy figures at the critical time of this second wave of COVID-19. This Tuesday, a holiday in the CAV, as reported in a brief statement, it has been considered "convenient" to change the "criterion" of people hospitalized with coronavirus in the CAV hospitals, since until now only those who had tested positive for the new antigen tests and patients with positive CRP were made public. As a result, on 24 November, on the first day the data were reviewed, it was reported that 554 people were hospitalized (142 in the ICU), but in fact there were 674, a new maximum, considering that the limit before this wave was 661. Last Monday it was reported that COVID-19 cases were 457, but actually 529. The maximum difference is 127 patients.

There is no mistake, not even the estimates of daily incomes caused by the coronavirus pandemic of the Health Advisor, Gotzone Sagardui, and of the surveillance and registration program coordinator, Ignacio Garitano. On 24 November, 53 people were not hospitalized, but 77. And this Sunday was not 24, but 42. Therefore, the average number of people not admitted last month is 30, so more than 50 have been counted. There are now 128 people in critical condition. For several weeks, those infected with antigens account for a very high percentage of the total, sometimes exceeding 50%. Yes, these tests were introduced on 17 October, and from then until 24 November there is no data on possible adjustments.

In addition, there is a double calculation system with COVID-19 deaths at CAPV. People with coronavirus have been excluded from the computation for months, if it has not been seen that the direct cause of death has been the virus. Last week 101 people died in the overall computation, but it has been recorded that there were only 81 deaths from COVID-19. Two weeks ago, another 24 cases of death were ruled out. It has not been the first ex-post review of this pandemic.

This Tuesday, the largest number of cases detected with antigens has been recorded in recent hours. A total of 369 new cases have been reported in CAPV, of which 229 do not have CRP. The positivity of these tests is 10.1%, that of PCR is 3.2% and the overall mean is 5.6%. The new cases have been 145 in Gipuzkoa, 140 in Bizkaia, 81 in Álava and three people from outside have been diagnosed. The overall incidence rate continues to decline: 338,39 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in 14 days. Donostia-San Sebastian, for example, will leave after many weeks of the so-called red high-transmission area: the rate is less than 500 (499,45). The same goes for Bergara.

Álava is clearly the territory where the decline of the pandemic has stopped the most. As far as the positive ones are concerned, only 5% of the data have been improved last week and the overall average is 24%. R0 is the only territory with negative, above 1. This indicator measures the new cases generated by each patient. Thus, in Álava each case is multiplied to more than one person, indicating that the pandemic is being repeated.