Cultural week 'Orreaga 824' this August in Auritz / Burguete
  • Nabarralde organizes the cultural week ‘Orreaga 824’ from 19 to 26 August in Auritz. Next year will be the 118th anniversary of the Battle of Roncesvalles in 824.
Sustatu 2023ko abuztuaren 16a

The date refers to a battle of Roncesvalles, not to the victory of 778 over Charlemagne, but to the last attempt by the French emperors to conquer the Vascones of Pamplona to integrate into the empire, of 824. This fact was also the link between the alliance between Eneko Arista and Banu Qasi, in front of the free forces of Count Eblo and the renegade Aznar Galindo. The triumph of that war consolidated the Basque authority in Pamplona and allowed them to impose sovereign power.

The Cultural Week, to be held from 19 to 26 August, will have an exhibition that will also include:

Saturday, 19 August

  • 12:00 CONFERENCE: Xabier Irujo, The Battle of Orreaga and her readings in history
  • 19:00 CONCERT: Pair of Belcha

And the main day, 26 August:

  • 9:30 Opening of Congress
  • 09:45-10:00 Josepe Irigarai (Mayor of Auritz / Burguete)
  • 10:00-10:30 Patxi Zabaleta:824, Orreaga, Eneko Aritza aurtena
  • 10:30-11:00 Juan María Martínez de Choperena:The Roman road Astorga-Bordeaux, a European road in Orreaga
  • 11:00-11:30 Iñaki Lopez de Luzuriaga: Vascones and Aquitaine War: Road to 824
  • 11:30-12:00 Iñigo Larramendi:Western and continental Güeñales during the birth of the Kingdom of Pamplona
  • 12:30-14:00 ROUND TABLE: Iñigo Larramendi, Maria Solana, Idoia Zabaltza, Josean Beloki: It orreaga memory. 824, NABO

Learn more about the program and the week, here (also inscriptions).