For the mayor of Orkoien, Alejandro López, the acts in Basque are "privileges"
  • In the plenary of December 20, the mayor of the town, Alejandro López (PSN), explained that the holding of events in Basque in the local Ludoteca is a privilege for the Basques.
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López has created a brush on social networks, speaks Spanish and is heard exactly like this: “In our library, the acts are performed in Spanish and Basque. And Euskaldunes can go to Basque and Spanish. Those who know Spanish, on the other hand, can only go to Spanish ones. I mean, they have a double service. Because we are not talking about rights, we are talking about privileges.”

These words have generated a great dip in social media and many of the voices have accused the mayor of Euskaphobia. Last December there was another case of this kind: at the end of the year plenary, the Mayor of the Egüés Valley, Xuriñe Peñas (UPN), said that cultural events in Basque were discriminatory for the Castilian speakers.

Mayor supported by UPN

Alejandro López, mayor of the PSN, is 23 years old and ends the last year of the double degree of Law and Philosophy. EH Bildu won the municipal elections in Orkoien, as has happened in the last three legislatures, but as in other Navarros municipalities, Mayor López left with the votes of UPN. As regards the motion of censure in Pamplona, UPN has withdrawn its support. He is still supported by Orkoien’s candidature from the left. Orkoien is a population of 4,051 inhabitants of the northwest of the Region of Pamplona.

The journalist Beñat Hach Embarek denounced in the lower Txoko, where López’s words can be heard.