More illegal waste is accumulating in Itxia de Oria
  • The Ecologist Organisation Eguzki has denounced that a year ago the problem was made known, but that the accumulation of waste has only worsened it. In the last two months 1,160 kilograms of waste have been collected in Oria, Villabona and Agaraitz (Gipuzkoa), according to Ekologistak Martxan.
Iraitz Madariaga Etxebarria 2021eko abuztuaren 26a
Oriako Itxian dagoen hondakin pilaketa. Argazkia: Eguzki Talde Ekologista

The Ecologist Organisation Eguzki has denounced that in Itxia (Lasarte-Oria), in Oria, more and more illegal waste is accumulating in the marsh area. Ecologists announced the problem a year ago and in August they denounced that, besides the problem has not been solved, there is more rubbish than before. A video posted on social media on Sunday shows how the area is compared to the situation that was experienced in November 2020.

Despite being an area close to the Oria de Lasarte-Oria neighborhood, the surroundings are part of the municipality of San Sebastián. Ecologists reported the problem to the City Hall in August 2020 and asked him to intervene. In November 2020, a public complaint was filed and in December the answer was received: since the waste was in private soil, the administration had to send an order to the owners and, in case of non-compliance, the City Hall would be in charge of the cleaning.



Cleanings in Oria, Villabona and Agaraitz

According to Ekologistak Martxan, the Amasa-Villabona City Hall this year has launched a river cleaning plan, streams and natural environments. The workers of the Urzain group have carried out the cleaning work in the vicinity of the Oria River, in the urban centres of Villabona and in the industrial estate Agaraitz.

The first has been carried out between 19 and 23 July, and 712 kilograms of waste have been extracted. The second cleaning operation was carried out between 16 and 20 August, eliminating 446 kilograms of waste. The materials collected – a total of 1,160 kilograms – have been classified in fractions and transferred to the two Garbigunes of Tolosa and Andoain.

Ekologistak Martxan pointed out that the waste found “once again demonstrates the indifference and disrespect for the environment of many people”. All types of garbage have been collected: wood (280.5kg), hard plastic (290kg), metal cans (161,66kg), large demolition works (71.5kg), glass (34,8kg), tyres and rubber rests (20kg). Stacks, rejection, clothing, face masks and wipes have also been found.