EH Bildu wins in Ordizia with 45% of the votes
  • Participation in Ordizia has been significantly above average: He voted 55.92% of the votes, while EH Bildu was the most voted force in this locality. It obtained 1,747 votes (45.3 per cent), while the PNV, which was the second most voted force, obtained 1,268 votes (32.88 per cent). In the elections four years ago, the PNV was the first political force in the Basque Country, with 107 votes more than EH Bildu.
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Knowing the results of the previous elections, it has been asked whether the balance between PNV and EH Bildu would be maintained in a town in Ordizia that has been at the forefront of all media for the reappearance of COVID-19. This has been one of the central issues in the last week before the elections, and in addition to the massive tents and PCR installed by Osakidetza, EH Mayor Bildu, Adur Ezenarro, has been known for his emergency management.

It remains to be seen whether this issue has influenced Parliament’s vote. These are the results of Ordizia for the Basque Parliament, with a census of 6,996 inhabitants:

- EH Bildu: 1,747 votes (45.3 per cent). In 2016, with 1,517 votes (33.66%), it was the second most voted force in the regional elections.

- PNV: 1,268 votes (32.88). In 2016, with 1,624 votes (36.04%), it became the first political force of the state.

- PSE: 327 votes (8.48%). In 2016 he won 390 votes.

- We can: 325 (8.42%). In 2016, with 634 votes, it was the third most voted force in the Basque Country.

- Equo Berdeak: 37 votes.

- Vox: 24 votes (0.62%)

- EU: 8 votes

- PUM+J: 2 votes.

- P-LIB: 1 vote.