The law provides for three types of absence permits. On the one hand, the permission for five days a year to attend the family member or second-degree partner. In the event of an accident it may be used in serious diseases, hospitalization, surgical procedures, etc. On the other hand, a paid leave of four days a year, which can also be enjoyed by hours, is granted for cases where “immediate care” is required. And thirdly, until the child is 8 years old, parents will be able to enjoy eight weeks in a row or split if they wish. The unions call for these eight weeks to be paid.
On the other hand, the Spanish Government intends to make the conditions for all mothers to have access to EUR 100 per month between 0 and 3 years.
The law has also listed the most needy families from the point of view of care, thus considering the large families with two sons and daughters and the families with one of the parents in the hospital or in jail.
Parenteral pin prohibited
The large families that are part of the current reality occupy an important place in the law and, in this regard, the law has prohibited not sending their children to the contents taught in school about large families. The government has taken action on the so-called parenteral pin promoted by the VOX, which encourages parents to give up these contents and others such as sex education.