"We will have to start sharing the spaces that until now occupied the exclusionary alarm"
  • The traditional Alarde of Hondarribia and the company Jaizkibel will parade, as every year, from September 8 at the Arriaga Theatre. But the city council governed so far by the PNV has been acquired by Abotsanitz and the changes it has made have raised controversy in the traditional Alarde. “All companies want to avoid that picture we’ll be in together,” explains Uxoa Anduaga Jaizkibel.
Mikel Garcia Idiakez @mikelgi 2024ko irailaren 04a

Is there a great atmosphere of tension in Hondarribia?

More than tension, I would say that the days have been shaken, because there are changes, because the things that so far seemed immovable begin to move.

Outside of Hondarribia for readers to understand: you will not leave with the other companies, but in another schedule, as before. The change is that you will all leave the same place in the morning, you will join with others at the starting point and in the afternoon you will descend the Great Way at the end of the journey, as others do.

These are significant advances because they are two very symbolic spaces that we have not achieved so far, an important part of the festivities, and because we will have the opportunity to enjoy them. In the Tree of Gernika [at the point of departure], at the same time that the other companies are aligned, we will also be there and in the afternoon we will be able to make the end party of Alarde playing, jumping, singing… Until now we have not been able to do that party, arguing the "safety reasons" that led us to another place, and this year we have managed to live an important moment.

There is still a lot to be achieved, we also have to say that. These are two steps, but two small steps.

They're going to be small, but it's very angry with more than one of the traditional scares. The need to share the same space has bothered some.

It is almost understandable, because those who join the alarming exclusionary are accustomed to it; the situation in their favour has remained for almost 30 years. These changes will therefore be experienced as a step backwards, but we hope that from now on the changes will go in the same direction: we will have to begin to share the spaces that until now had been occupied and acquired, those spaces that have been privatized.

The following speech is in their best interest: "We cannot unite because a bronca is going to be created, for the good of all it is better to remain divided and separated"

On the contrary, from the traditional alarm, it has been argued that the coexistence of these spaces entails a situation of insecurity and risk, given the possibility of confrontation.

This is one of the main arguments that the exclusionary alarm has used for years not to share spaces with us. They have always said that there may be a risk of fighting if the two sides come together and sent us from other routes. They want to drive division, but when in recent years it has touched us to share spaces (for example, when in the essays we pass through the center of the village) there is no conflict. We get applause or turn our backs, but there is no risk of a fight, not even among the members of the different companies (even more so, those of the Jaizkibel company have friends in other companies, it is usual to greet and embrace). That is to say, it is an excuse, precisely because they want to avoid that picture in which all the companies will be aligned together. They want to prevent members of the company Jaizkibel from hugging with colleagues from other companies, to give them kisses, to greet them… Because doing well among them is the starting point to solve this problem. The following speech is in their best interest: “We cannot unite because a bronchus is going to be created, for the good of all it is better to remain divided and separated.”

The PNV of Hondarribia has spoken as the leaders of the traditional Alarde: it has accused the City Hall of endangering the citizens, since in those two points the Alarde and Jaizkibel come together.

Few surprises. The PNV has for years been the most responsible of the municipal government, and for Jaizkibel those have been the hardest years. When the municipal government has changed, we have seen that the relationship is being much more fluid, although there is still much to talk about and to do. We are not at all surprised that the PNV ratifies the arguments of the exclusionary allude.

The intervention of the City Council has long been called for, with the conviction that the impetus of the institutions will help citizens to take steps. Are you slowly moving the balance to what I had?

It's a long way to go by millimeters. After the holidays we will make the assessment quieter, but we see the joy around the changes that occur.

Asked otherwise: Do people feel nervous about the traditional alarm? It is significant that some of them have been expelled for carrying a pin in favor of the Alarde de Todos movement (through dialogue for conflict resolution).

I find it difficult to assess what their movements and attitudes are responding to, I do not know whether that expulsion is because of the nervousness with which these changes are being made or whether it is not yet another example of the rigidity that the alarming exclusionary has taken in recent years. After all, we do not know the vicissitudes of the exclusionary alarming. I suppose they will be the drivers of change, but it is difficult to assess from our point of view how they live on the other side.

"The speech that comes out every year is that the solution is to make two scares, and some want to encourage Jaizkibel to do it, but what Jaizkibel wants is to show up with the other companies."

They say that the municipal government aims at the mixed alarm and that they do not agree. Is this not the challenge that was on the table right from the start?

It is important for the new municipal government to express itself clearly. In fact, the discourse that comes out almost every year is that the solution would be to make two scares (one exclusionary, another egalitarian, as they do in Irun), and some want to encourage Jaizkibel to do so, but what Jaizkibel wants is to show up with the other companies and gradually become the only scaremongering, egalitarian and public.

What are the next steps?

The City Hall said last year was the year of the symbols and this is the year of the administration; to see if next year is that of the unique and egalitarian alarming. It is an activity that requires work throughout the year and we will continue to do our best.

And on the other side?

The alarming exclusionary has always rejected the calls for conferences, interviews and round tables held so far, have never wanted to meet with us and have hardly met with other institutions, have an unmoving attitude. It doesn’t have to be that way from now on, but looking at the road so far…

The cantinera of the Jaizkibel company will come out in a wheelchair, it is also historic.

The company Jaizkibel does not make any requirement to play the role of cantinera, there is no age limit, there is no age limit, no normative body, no gender, and in this case Nahia Salaberria presented himself with other people, he touched it by draw and we are all very happy. After all, it is also a reflection of the plurality and openness of Jaizkibel.


Photos of the tests of the company Jaizkibel during these days. Photos: Jaizkibel Company