In these centers, young people have studied by gender in the last 60 years, girls on one side and boys on the other. But since the last legislature passed the LOMLOE Education Act in the Spanish State, the centers carrying out this segregation will not have public contracts and, consequently, will not receive subsidies.
The journalists from the SER chain moved this Thursday to see how the children entered the schools El Redin and Miravalles of Pamplona, and they saw that the first included the boys alone and the second the girls. Asked about the subject in the Department of Education, they reply that the inspectors await the reports they have produced and then decide what to do.
Legal questions
The problem is ridiculous because, despite the clarity of the LOMLOE, the Superior Court of Justice of Navarra has annulled the order of the Government of Navarra to suspend the agreements with these centres.
In November 2022, the High Court of Justice brought the decision of the Foral Government to the Spanish Constitutional Court. However, prior to the decision, in June this year the Supreme temporarily suspended the government agreement. The fact is that, two weeks before the decision of the High Court of Justice on 6 June, the Constitutional Court already answered on the constitutionality of the matter and told the Superior Court of Justice of Navarra that the decision of the Government of Navarre to suspend the subsidies was fully legal.
The centers cited, however, have agreed to end segregation and in the first three years of Primary Education children are together in classrooms. They announce that they'll do the same in high school.