It's time for opposition in the CAV. It remains possible to register for the public job offer with the largest number of places offered in Osakidetza. But we come with the usual problem, will the Basques be able to do those tests in Basque?
For, of course, we Basques have every right to have tests in Basque in public job offers or in competitions. But is the person who wants to take the test in Basque and the person who wants to do it in Spanish? Clearly not.
The situation is not good and the administrations should reflect on why we are so few people doing the exams of the oppositions in Euskera
Of the hundred job categories offered, how many have access to bibliography only in Basque? I would venture to say that no one has that possibility. If it is not a law, the inability to access specific material in Basque is always on the table. In the face of this situation, who has not happened, come to the exam and ask who is going to do the test in Basque in a multitudinous BEC and see him raised among thousands of candidates only 4-5 brave hands?
The situation is not good, and the administrations should reflect on why we are so few people who do the exams of oppositions in Basque...
To turn this situation around, and bearing in mind that the objective of the Bai Euskarari Association is to increase the use of Euskera in the working world, we want to offer people who want to carry out their oppositions in Euskera the most comfortable tools and means possible.
We invite all those who participate in the competitions to do the exams in Basque and, on the other hand, to feed the tools we create and generate the most diverse material possible.
To this end, we have launched in the Lansarean work portal, managed by Bai Euskarari Elkartea, a store of materials for oppositions and the modules of the questionnaires. For opponents to have access to the material in Euskera in a simple way and to be able to form through the questionnaires created. To help you we have launched the Oppositions channel in Basque Telegram, we will use it as an index of materials and questionnaires and you can contribute through comments.
We have put the tools in place and will feed as much as possible. However, all those who participate in the competitions are encouraged to do the exams in Basque and, on the other hand, to feed the tools we create and generate the largest number of materials and questionnaires through a great auzolan.
Let’s see if in the coming oppositions we can make less limits and more Basque tests! Encouragement and luck to everyone!
Madernaz del Pozo Bergoi
Advisor to Bai Euskarari Elkartea