Sexual arrest of a woman at the Azule Shoe of Ondarroa
  • On 2 July the woman reported the attack and after three days the man was arrested, according to the Department of Security. The coordination tables of the protocol to combat the attacks have valued the parties and given some information: they twice activated the protocol against the Machian attacks and expelled five people for their bad positions.
Ilargi Manzanares 2023ko uztailaren 13a

The ertzaina stops a man accusing a woman of sexual assault during the “Azule Shoe” celebrations in Ondarroa. The attack took place early on 2 July and the man was arrested on 5, according to the Lakua Security Department.

The coordination tables of the action protocol in the face of Machian aggressions have evaluated the parties denouncing two Machian attacks at parties and communicating that the protocol was activated twice.

There have been at least two attacks, but they say they know that “most attacks are not reported or are not considered machistas.” Along with the Machian aggressions, five people were expelled from the txosnagas for their bad postures.