This Tuesday is 13 years since the death of Jose Luis Alvarez Enparantza Txillardegi, and on this occasion, a multitudinous event has been held in Plaza Gaskonia de la Antigua. As every year, family members, friends and Euskaltzales of Txillardegi have met at the event. in the event of a banner containing the question."
In fact, it is already thirteen years since Txillardegi died, and members of the Txillardegi initiative have lamented that they are still waiting for the San Sebastian Municipal Library to name the Donostian linguist, politician and writer. Therefore, today’s act has been baptized with the name Badok amairu, based on the article of the same name written by Fito Rodríguez: “We know that Resureccion Maria Azkue picked up St. Martin’s distress and the popular story ended with the phrase Ez dok amairu. This phrase means that the curse, the amairua, has been overcome, that the curse of number thirteen has been broken. But in the case of Txillardegi, because of the minds of short thought, the curse, unfortunately, remains for the time being. We don’t care, next year, the fourteenth, will be the death of José Luis, and I hope we will exceed thirteen,” said the members of the initiative. In view of this, they stressed that they will not throw in the towel.
Rodriguez himself has taken the floor and has denounced that “the bad” still exists: “Yes. The maleficio lasts. Txillardegi has not yet been approved as it should.”
In addition to these demonstrations, Dantzari Sua Enparantza has made an aurresku of honor with the help of Txistulari Janitz Enparantza. In addition, as every year, heather plants have been planted and have finished the tribute with a bertso created for the popular initiative by the bertsolaris Unai and BEÑAT Gaztelumendi.
Create the pastoral Txillardegi
The engineer and writer Jakes Lafitte (Tolosa Occitania, 1947) has published the pastoral Txillardegi, which has a three-month work. Lafitte has participated in the event and explained that the work he has done has been published in the literary magazine Maiatz, in the second issue of 2024. Lafitte met Txillardegi closely as he taught Euskera at the Basque Museum in Baiona. “They were juicy classes, he gave us house exercises, and some of those who were there made a long and rich journey in Basque. Once the classes were finished, we met at the inn at the Baiona Theatre, around the drinks, making very intimate conversations,” Lafitt recalls.
To write the pastoral, Lafitte has based himself on the book of Txillardegi Huntaz eta Hartaz and has spoken with the widow of Txillardegi, Jone Forcada, to compose the pastoral: “In all the shepherds there is a wedding and I spoke to Jone to learn how they celebrated their wedding,” he explained. Although the pastoral ministry is written, it now needs to be published, and Lafitte would like to release it in San Sebastian. However, this requires a theatre group of at least 100 people, and he has stressed that if it is found, première in Donostia would be "a pleasure" for him.