WHO suspends hydroxychloroquine that has received 85% of those affected by covid-19 in Spain
  • The drug hydroxychloroquine used so far against malaria has been questioned in recent days for its alleged negative consequences in the fight against COVID-19. In the Spanish State, it has been administered massively to patients with this disease.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko maiatzaren 27a
Argazkia: Dani Blanco

I took it two weeks ago. If it's not good, I'll tell you. On May 18, U.S. President Donald Trump finally launched the hydroxychloroquine to success with these words.


Four days after hearing Trump’s words, a study by the scientific journal The Lancet has concluded that this treatment is related to an increased risk of death and developing heart disease, according to Trump.


These disturbing results caused the World Health Organization (WHO) to temporarily suspend the clinical use of this anti-Covid-19 drug last Monday.


"After reading the publication, we decided to act prudently and temporarily stop the medication," explained Soumya Swaminathan, head of the WHO Scientific Society.


Thanks to a large study conducted by the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine and published on the MedRxiv platform (whose article is still under review), 85.7% of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 have received hydroxychloroquine in the Spanish state.


The study collected data from 12,213 patients hospitalized with coronavirus (discharged or deceased), in which 604 researchers from 146 hospitals from all the autonomous communities participated; approximately one third of the cases analyzed were from Madrid.


On Wednesday, and in view of the doubts expressed by the General Public Health Council and the Medicines Agency, the French Government has repealed the decree authorizing the use of hydroxychloroquine for the treatment of COVID-19 patients.