LAB warns of the seriousness of the situation of several workers working in basic tasks
  • The trade union appeared this Thursday to discuss the situation of the workers in the basic works that are being carried out. The workers in the life-sustaining feminized sectors have denounced the serious situation in which they find themselves and have stated that they have decided to take criminal action against it.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko apirilaren 02a

Maddalen Dorador and Gorka Berasategi, from the LAB union, have talked about the situation of basic workers, with the aim of calling for measures to ensure their health and safety.

The appearance began by pointing out the attitude of the institutions, denouncing that “they have not shown respect for those tasks that once again support our lives”. “Those who, on the pretext of the health crisis, care for the lives of all and are all obliged to work without any protective measures. Moreover, these protective measures are being directed towards the survival of the large industry,” they stressed.

Thus, they have denounced that women workers from the feminized sectors are in a critical situation, as thousands of women work without any protective equipment, risking their health and that of their relatives. They have set as an example the cleaners, whose situation was denounced the day before, announcing that there are hundreds of cleaners cleaning closed schools in the CAV, by order of the Department of Education. They have reported that, because of this situation, workers have lodged complaints with the company's Labour Inspectorate. Among the companies reported are ISS, Ilunion, Sacyr, Garbialdi and Metropoli. To date, the demonstrators have stated that they have not received any response from the Government.

He also referred to health care workers and nursing homes, in order to make known the seriousness of their situation in the face of the lack of means of protection.

So, and to protect these workers, the LAB syndicate has decided to open a criminal way to denounce the death of Steilas. They have chosen to inform the Public Prosecutor ' s Office of all the risk situations that are taking place and have shown their intention to carry out the proceedings from centre to centre: to call on the Ertzaintza to draw up an attestation, to send the complaints of the situation to the institution concerned in writing and to give the place to the Prosecutor ' s Office to initiate the investigation.