Some more, others less, but we have all analysed the situation. The main differences are, as always, in consequences, which distort the possibilities of unity of action.
In any event, it is to be welcomed that it has been decided to open doors to a new form of policy making and to set clear and concrete objectives. To this end, the decisions taken over the years are intended to create assets that bring consistency and effectiveness.
This requires theoretical and practical changes in the current political task. With a need equal to or greater than that of private enterprise, not only higher education is necessary, but also specialisation.
Perhaps the most widely used word in politics is “reality”, but we have long known what is known as “reality” as a mixture of facts, points of view, valuations and personal tastes, which are often very difficult to distinguish.
For this reason, those who decide to turn in the next election campaign to “old” events – and will come – must justify a certain social or political choice, using a certain “interpretation” of reality.
Those who decide to turn to “time” events during the election campaign will justify a specific social or political choice.
The part of the eternal dilemma, that is, “saying or being”, liberal ideology, although in its different aspects, puts as the heart of the system the priority of the individual over society.
Some say that prioritizing society over the individual is an ideological intention, but I believe the opposite. That it really is as wrong as to extol an omnipotent state, above the rights of society, to divide the isolated individual.
All this goes in the same “range” of market freedom.
When the liberal state was created, without forgetting the conditions suffered by the working class.
Contrary to what those who today consider themselves liberals say, or not, the root and foundation of their ideology is not free choice, but competitiveness. The PSOE presumed to “defend” him in the 1980s and follows “in practice” all the governments that have passed through Lakua and Carlos III.etik.
In fact, some apply the ideological recognition they called “social Darwinism” and, in short, argue that society can move forward if it does not interfere in the struggle between the strongest and the weakest. That is, applying the species evolution model.
Some are claiming it today.
In recent years, as has been intervened in the management of public health, in the whole of the South of Euskal Herria, society and the State must stand outside this struggle “say”.
The protection of the weak implies not only the delay of the “good and better”, but also the fraud that prevents the necessary resources to move forward. This is the history of the Bible that satisfies the “thirst” of today’s liberal rulers.
This “popular” capitalism, renovated but old, only takes care of and develops the supremacy of major minorities
Liberalism is what the PSOE and its partner are practicing in the decades of the PNV. In fact, how to forget the many “meritoriums” that are being enriched with Lakua’s revolving door and fattening “pedigri”.
They are the ones who teach what epidermal liberalism looks like.
Liberals today live on an “insatiable predatory tiger,” the rest is literature.
We must not forget that liberalism, at important moments in the social struggle, is always attributed to force and when they are unable to convince, they use force in all manifestations.
Public health personnel learned about it a long time ago. This “popular” capitalism, renovated but old, only takes care of and develops the supremacy of major minorities.
That's how they're getting to erode a model of social progress. And we can only stop this with greater political capacity.
Those of us who have actually achieved a new framework of relations with the Spanish State without concessions, believe that we are in a position to rigorously propose the end of a political cycle. And so we are, even though the PNV remains in the dilemma of always, “say or say”.
In recent years, the lack of the capitalist logic of Osasunbidea and Osakidetza has forced us to learn some knowledge of medicine. Since then, in Hego Euskal Herria, the social majority is aware that long-term bad customs cause spinal diseases that require great rehabilitation. Short ride with those who carry the brain in their pocket.
Josu Iraeta, writer.