Chronicles of Oasis 14: Bill Gates Bertsos School
  • What if all this was a conspiracy? We have also become the beliefs that behind this pandemic is Bill Gates and his bertsos school. Listen to the Oasis Chronicles radio program and understand why.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko ekainaren 22a

In this last session of the Oasis Chronicles, we've set out to conspire: If it were true that the coronavirus has been invented by Bill Gates through vaccines to put chips in people and control the world? What if you put a bertsolari through a chip? Will we see the world as optimistic as Jon Maia? Will we sing slower than the works of the TAV like Amuriza? Do we talk fluttering? Is this the new normality that is being talked about so much? The truth is, we're scared, and maybe in Euskal Herria it's also time to start fighting Bill Gates, don't you think?

In addition to the tertulia, as in previous editions, half a dozen more sections have been programmed than in the first one: The news, the adventures of Teo and the kalentura, the angry Father and the chosen song of Ruper Ordorika.

On the other hand, the members of the programme have also created the Telegram channel. Gradually, content will be expanded according to the editorial line of the podcast, which will serve to delight everyone.

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