Of course, if Ikurrina was put in, it was because those municipalities had decided it democratically, sometimes alone and sometimes among many flags. But when Spanish legislation also hardened its position, forcing the Spanish flag in general, the ikurrina was placed in Navarra along with the Spanish flag, the Navarre and the Navarre people.
The parties to the change intended that, when the Symbols Act was dissolved three years ago, the democratic decision of the municipal representatives would also be reflected in the symbols, demoralizing the prohibition and the punishment. As a result, Ikurriñas could be seen in many municipalities in Navarre.
But the powers of the State have a thousand ways to channel what they want and the Spanish justice soon cut off the road to the ikurrina, considering that the dissolution of the Law of Symbols did not allow to put the ikurrina, because the foral regulations of 1981 already clearly established what the symbols of Navarra were and there did not appear the ikurrina.
Difficult balance between the PSN and the legislature
This Thursday, Navarra Suma has brought to the foral Parliament the Law of the Symbols of a time and was approved with the votes of the PSN, on its proposal, dismantling the harsh punitive proposal of the NS. That is to say, ban it, but without the previous penalties.
In addition to what is within the personality of the PSN, there is also what Uxue Barkos says in Thursday’s sitting: next week the budgets of the Government of Navarra will be approved by 2020, after negotiating with it, with the abstention of EH Bildu; therefore, before accepting it, the PSN wants to demonstrate that it has taken the corresponding Spanish pill as a shield against the offensive.
The PSN is moving the pressure of Navarra Suma and, among other government partners and the inescapable need of EH Bildu, both in the City Council of Pamplona and, above all, in the Parliament of Navarra. It needs the parties of change to govern, but the PSN has to show that Navarre is as Spanish as Suma and is "so anti-nationalist Basque". It is difficult to balance, but until now it is allowing the governability of Navarre, gradually eroding the alliance of the corralito of the past. To see whether the legislature is going to withstand that balance, and that is also what is going to happen in the Madrid Government.