Some filmmakers call to film what happens in Notre-Dame-des-Landes
  • Adele Haenel, Philippe Garrel, Victor Erice and Aki Kaurismaki are some of the filmmakers who have asked to film, work and disseminate images of what is happening at the ZAD in Notre-Dame-Des-Landes, “because it is a real place that fights to build new imaginaries”.
ARGIA @argia 2018ko maiatzaren 22a
Asteartean, maiatzak 22, berriro sartu dira zientoka jendarme ZADetik kanporatzera asteburuan etxeak berreraiki eta soroak lantzera itzuli direnak. (Argazkia: @ymonteil)

Several well-known directors, producers, critics and other professionals in the film world have published a document in the newspaper Le Monde claiming to refuse to ignore and commit to what happens in the ZAD of Notre-Dame-Des-Landes. The other film Vent d’Ouest (The Wind of the West) was recently sent to them from ZAD, playing with the lie that it belonged to the famous Jean-Luc Godard, and in view of it they confess that it has given them something to think about: Jean-Luc Godard’s “Que faire?” (What to do?) manifestation in which it was mentioned: ‘1. They have to make political films. 2. We have to make films politically.”

Godard made his claim in the context of the 1968 era. “We are in May 2018,” they say, “and fifty years later, May 68 is celebrated. And the celebration from here and the celebration from there, the action is paralyzed by the exercise of the museology. Refugees, railroad workers, students, couriers, health workers and daily repression in the neighborhoods are ignored.”

The filmmakers say they have understood the message of the ZADs: “The truth is that people are being expelled from Notre-Dame-Des-Landesti and homes will be destroyed for people who are fighting. This will be done to people who have fought and won against speculators for many years, against the airport and its world. The truth is that the State is committed to destroying common experiences, organizational sessions that are built without interruption, defenders of nature and the multiple ways of life that inhabit it. As a filmmaker, we have made our choice.”