Durango Fair. 2nd day of the trip.
Who is the killer of the Durango Fair?
  • The body was there by the time I arrived, really. No, no, I have nothing to do with it. Yeah, I'm going to tell you what I know, but it's not that much. I got stuck, parked and found in front of the parking lot in the rural area, between two authors, throwing on the ground like a potato bag. It doesn't look like a professional's job, no. You know, this issue of Basque culture is doomed to amateurism and... Oh, you say murder? Well, I don't know about these zero issues, just what I've read in the novels. What novel? Well, there's more than one, yes, I could speak, Mr. Inspector.
Gorka Bereziartua Mitxelena @gorka_bm 2022ko abenduaren 08a

Considered for years as the literature of the B series, despised, menosta, has something that allows him to survive all shootings. Not only that, it transforms. It is different to read the American black novel, the French polard or the Nordic police novel. This gender canyon can adapt to all times and cultural contexts.

Because all societies have their dark side. Corruption. Trade. Violence. There will always be someone who ends up dead in suspicious conditions. Although not a simple subject, this type of novels have a special magnetism for readers. If in this year’s Basque harvest you look for corpses, mysteries and unclosed cases, I already have something to tell you, but don’t tell anyone, you already know what this business is like.

We started with someone who has risen. It has been 22 years since Aingeru Epalza published his novel Rock’n’Roll (Elkar) and the writer has recovered the character of Edu Saragueta. The Saragueta that we will find in the novel The Company of Repentant Smokers (Elkar) is not the same. It's about 60 years old. It is not a bad age to have healthier habits: tobacco, tanned to size, drugs and even smell... He's not alone: not much less, but he also has around him people who have made the decision to take care of the chassis, most of them with a fairly salty lifestyle. Now they come together to do sport. Ai Saragueta, what nut and where it is.

However, beyond those new customs of keeping the body healthier, everything else is quite a disaster: Saragueta has long been unemployed, with the partner exhausted, living alone, trying to link on the Internet – if it does, it is something else. Finally, it cannot throw rockets. They ask for a series of reports about the Islamic community, and then -- it all starts to happen. The latter is a black gender book, but quite atypical: No body appears until page 100. But a lot of other things will happen that will set the tone of the novel.

Without leaving Pamplona, something has the Head of City for these kinds of stories, the latest novelty of one of the masters of the Basque thrillery: Alberto Ladrón Arana takes us to 1948 in his novel Ilunpeko zelatari (Elkar). Two 12-year-old boys from two war-enemy families, Iñigo and Jokintxo, in the midst of a traumatized society. However, they do not seem very concerned: It's Christmas. When Iñigo finds a lost scarf in the movies, her mood changes when they discover that she is a kidnapped girl, they undertake a search.

Faced with the latest novels by Ladrón Arana, this mystery novel has new elements. First of all, it has given a break to the Foral Police Inspector, Leire Asiain, after appearing in the series of Harrian novels, the forest of lies, the punishment of gods, the club of the old films and the seed of revenge. In addition, compared to his previous works, in this portal of Ilunpe is more evident the tendency to fantasy, the writer has obtained greater licenses of experimentation. However, his most enthusiastic followers may rest assured: adventure, intense dialogue and suspense have not failed again.

Another Pamplona writer for the list of suspects: Jon Alonso’s hobby is known for this genre, both at the practical level, as evidenced by the novels “The Balance of Fungi” and “The Solid Urban Waste” (Txalaparta), as well as at the theoretical level – because he did not write the essay “debalde negro” (Susa), probably our most articulated reflection on this type of novels. For this gunman has returned, ladies and gentlemen, and he has done so from where nobody expected: He has written an Amaiur every year (Amaiur Gaztelu Elkartea / (H)ilbeltza), which starts from a film being recorded in the Baztan.

The film is actually a passionate love story, situated at the time of Amaiur's siege, 500 years ago. But Tanatos soon appears with Eros: an unexpected death accelerates the events of the novel, giving way to a story full of intrigue. A black novel with a cinematic atmosphere, accompanied by a sense of humor that Alonso gives nothing when he writes in this genre.

We start the article with the work of three writers who have seen crimes of all kinds and slurry of accounts, but don't think young people are in more orderly affairs. Andoni Agirrezabala is 24 years old and her first novel is Etxe berdea (Erein). He approached the literary world during his years of studying biology in Bilbao and this opera premieres part of the tragic events of years ago.

It takes us until 29 October 2005, a people in which several murders were committed. The police arrived to investigate, but he returned without much foundation. “The best cure would be the routine,” at the beginning of the novel we will know that they left. Closed case? Not for the village sheriff. He will investigate more and that is the work that the reader now has in his hands: Testimonies of what happened in the Green House, presented in the style found footage, in this novel of voices and living stories.

Before closing the case of the black novels that can be found in Durango completely, we would also like to give you a very good hint to clarify where everything comes from: if you have recently made some faithful robbery or you have a slightly warm pocket, you can justify it with the Black Department of the editorial Igela.

This is a totally different starting point novel, published earlier this year by the editorial Txalaparta and written by Massimo Carlotto and translated into Basque by Koldo Biguri. The life of this Italian writer is actually a black novel: when he was nineteen years old, when he was a militant of the extreme left group, Lotta Continuum, he found the body of a student who died on the knife. And when he turned to the police to report him, he was charged with murder. From that moment on, he lived the desert, the prison and a judicial calvary that would last for almost 20 years, until he was acquitted.

The former right-wing militant also stars the novel Giorgio Pellegrini. After several years in South America, he decides to return to Italy, but he does not want to end up in bars. That's why he sells old comrades. It will do all it can to get into the higher spheres of society: corruption, social criticism and violence will be found in this novel published thanks to the Grant H)ilbeltza of the Baztan City Hall.

Before closing the case of the black novels that can be found in Durango completely, we would also like to give you a very good hint to clarify where everything comes from: if you have recently made some faithful robbery or you have a slightly warm pocket, you can justify it with the Black Department of the editorial Igela. 25 novels darker than chipirón ink, fundamental to include them in the genre. And in Basque: Dashiell Hammett, Jim Thompson, Raymond Chandler, Bill S. Ballinger, Horace McCoy... They can be purchased separately, but once you start trading books, more than one is tempted to bring the whole section home. It costs 125 euros, if you have to kill someone and leave him lying in the Landako parking lot, me? I don't know anything, the body was there by the time I arrived.