But where is your victory
Karmelo Landa 2020ko uztailaren 14a

On this occasion there have been elections in this western part of Euskal Herria, and as often happens, the PNV, very accustomed to winning, has launched itself to proclaim a glorious (self-)absolute triumph.

Today we can ask the PNV the question in the classical phrase: Where is your victory? Thirty-six years of government in this West and almost always in power. The old and renewed government will continue to be good for you. But the question remains there. Have you achieved victory because you've achieved goals? Or, on the contrary, has the objectives been changed in order to be able to continue to win?

In itself, it is serious, for the Basques of the West, on this boat of all, to see your timonel Urkullu moving away from our punished ports and even to the West (areas of Revilla) or to the whirlwind of downtown (Sanchez and others) collapsing our boat. Thirty-six years at the head of the government, and instead of forming this part of Euskal Herria with the other parties, they always lead him away, every year further away.

"Did you win because you've achieved goals?" Or, on the other hand, have you changed your goals so that you can continue to succeed?"

When Euskal Herria, in this broken nation, lost language, rooted in culture, the axis of the reconstruction and unification of the nation is Euskera itself, you, on the other hand, have turned Spanish into the main and suffocating vehicular language. See what Euskal Irrati Telebista is doing in your hands.

The evolution of this part of Western Basque Country towards the system of this mediocre empire, the Spanish State, of a monarchic character, is your passion and your duty. Independence, sovereignty, the right to decide and all other independent avenues. In other words, their governments take the allies that suit them in their work. You know who to marry and whom to reject, who to offer honest help and who to deceive and disappoint, even if you must miss the given word. And all of this, sort of giving lessons in ethics.

In your opinion, this diligence, which is a great victory, entails a lot of costs, wear and tear and damage for the Basques. The social divide is widening; cultural creativity becomes a field of impoverished beggars; representatives and unions of the most honest and expert workers; the popular infrastructures, a huge economic hole and an infinite source of damage to our land. Under your governments, bury the ecology together with the workers or make the pollution factory through the incinerators.

He has looked at the results of these last elections and there are those who have thought more than a Basque of good judgment: “Wow, what a nice chance now! In Parliament, the nationalist sphere is broader than ever; with the PNV and EH Bildu, that is where, at last, a great path can be opened in the construction of our free democratic nation.”

But that will not be the case, because his particular triumph has completely ruled out it. They have no intention of being architects of the Basque nation. Why will it be? Because Euskal Herria does not offer space for private triumphs. Because it must be free, open to the democratic game of all options. Looking forward, towards social justice, towards equality, towards free choice. And under these conditions, you fear that this privative victory will be ruined to you. Because there you may not be governors of all the governments, under the protection of all the heads of state on duty.

Their victory is not, therefore, the victory of Basque citizenship. Not so.