Nomadak gaitun!’ Creative Women’s Travelling Fair Arrives at Gernika on October 16
  • The fair organized by the Creadora Women's Collective 'Dinagu' will make its second stop at Astra on October 16. There will be an offer of products related to design and image, among others.
Leire Artola Arin 2021eko urriaren 08a
Euskal Herriko emakume sortzaileen 20 postu egongo dira. / Argazkia: Dinagu.

Next Saturday, October 16, the travelling trade show “Nomadak gaitun!” will arrive at Astra de Gernika. There will be 20 stalls of different creators, among others, fashion work, jewelry, illustration, ceramics and decoration. The Group of Women Creators "Dinagu" has organized the travelling fair which, after a first stop in Azpeitia, has moved to Bizkaia to take the leap. The objective is to be a showcase for sustainable projects and to show the public that the supply of products produced in the Basque Country in the field of design and image is a reality.

This special fair has been prepared in collaboration with the team of Astra and the Women Producers of the area. At 20:00 and until 22:00 there will be a kitchen of women producers and then the concert of Nebbian, at 22:30 hours. All the information is available on "Dinagu" social networks.