"How to understand that ETB has not released any adult film in Basque and 130 in Spanish?"
  • The Director-General of EITB replied in writing to the question put by EH Bildu: “How to understand that in the last four months no adult film has been broadcast on ETB in Basque and 130 films have been broadcast on the contrary in Spanish?” The response of EITB “diffuse and inconcrete, without any commitment” has been criticized by the Euskaraz Administrazioa Group.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko urriaren 05

EITB Director-General Andoni Aldekoa has responded to EH Bildu parliamentarian Josu Estarrona, who is taking the lead in digital broadcasting over linear television (traditional television). In Aldeoka’s words, “EITB is prioritizing Basque content and following this policy is working to offer Basque society an alternative in mass cinema and fiction consumption”. He has announced that a library of fiction and film content is being built to offer it on the Bikain platform that wants to see the light in 2023.

“In addition, we are transforming the processes of hiring the dubbing to be able to carry out this new dynamic. Therefore, EITB prioritizes at this time the existence of the first digital emission window, temporarily reserving the linear emission, with a very low audience”.