How are young Basques informed? Mainly with social networks and then on television
  • The most recent reports by Ikusiker Ikusentzunezkoak have analyzed the interest of Basque youth in the consumption of information/news. The results are interesting, in short, if there is an interest in information, and the source of hard information, social networks are the main source of information and then the usual television channels. It shows the decline of traditional media, the small data that newspapers get, and especially radio. Ikusiker was born in 2018/2019 and is composed of the NOR Research Group, EITB, Tabakalera and the Basque Observatory of Culture.
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During the course 2023-2024, hundreds of students from the UPV/EHU and the Public University of Navarra (UPNA) come together in the Ikusiker panel. The sample includes young people from different territories, areas of knowledge, faculties and levels of education. The active survey was conducted between 15 and 21 April and the valid responses of 1,758 students were collected.

The full report is in this PDF, but below we will bring some significant graphs.

On the one hand, information and current events are interested.

And to realize that actuality, here are the sources, where social media stands out, and then television.

As for social networks, the most used to receive information are:

A clear trend to the visual about how to capture the news:

And then a couple of interesting reviews about the type of content, assessing the origin and format of the information:

However, perhaps paradoxically, young people think that what appears on social networks has little credibility:

And a question about local media:

Two conclusions that Ikusiki researchers draw from these graphs and data:

  • Twitter and Instagram are the favorite apps for users looking for information on social networks, followed by TikTok and YouTube. Twitter is the social network that most boys use, and Instagram is the first choice for most girls.
  • The image has great weight when it comes to choosing content related to information, especially among the younger ones. Sound or text adjusted content does not attract as much attention from this generation.

For more information, here is the Ikusiker report.