Ensuring kitchens and school canteens during the pandemic
  • “At the moment, it is urgent to treat the dining room as a right, guaranteeing the same quality in all public centers.” Following this point of departure and with the assistance of several experts, the Seguro Platera initiative has prepared a report with the steps to be taken to maintain service at all times during the pandemic.
Mikel Garcia Idiakez @mikelgi 2020ko irailaren 22a

The Tours Platera Tours Aukera initiative makes it clear that, from healthy eating and conciliation, it is necessary to guarantee the catering service to the students. In addition, at a time when the local productive fabric is weakened, school canteens can play an important role in promoting their products.

What if we ate in class?

The report makes a number of proposals for monitoring school canteens during the COVID-19 season: with regard to security measures, guidelines are given for organizing safe kitchen and dining services (protocols for students and staff, organization of the dining room, ventilation and disinfection…); it is also key to increase the number of shifts in the spaces with problems of maintaining the safe distance; in centers with continuous hours, it is requested that the basic dining option be included, In this case, the report states, after eating the room will be cleaned, disinfected and ventilated.

The initiative calls for kitchens, yes or no, to remain open: “In contexts such as the current one, it is important to value existing public resources, such as public school kitchens.”

You can read the full report on this link.