Noka hitzetik Hortzera at the Women's Txoko
  • Under the title Hitano, an instrument for the empowerment of women, yesterday, Saturday, there were days of all day in the Txoko of Women.
Uztarria 2019ko apirilaren 01
Azpeitian, nokaren erabilerari buruz hitz egiteko elkartu ziren emakumeak. Argazkia:

In the morning, Onintza Legorburu and Eli Pagola, led by Garbiñe Bereziartua, offered a round table in which about a dozen people participated. In the afternoon, however, the test that was named Nokadromo was held. In particular, from 15:30 a.m., a number of women have had the opportunity to implement noka via the Internet. Among other things, they used the games to practice noka, and the atmosphere in the program was very special.

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Playing in the Nocadromo and making Hitan fire. Photo: