Quote with the black novel (H)ilbeltza
  • Guests are Anjel Lertxundi, Joseba Sarrionandia, Garazi Arrula, Garazi Ugalde and Ruper Ordorika, among others, in the week of the Basque black novel to be held from 23 to 29 January in Baztan.
Gorka Peñagarikano Goikoetxea 2023ko urtarrilaren 24a
Datorren hilaren 23tik 29ra ospatuko da (H)ilbeltza. Antolatzaileak argazkian. (Argazkia: Euskal Nobela Beltzaren Astea)

(H)ilbeltza, week of the Basque black novel. As usual, it will be held in the Baztan Valley, and the new edition will be extended for five days in five localities, with performances by Arizkun, Aniz, Elizondo, Irurita and Erratzu. The organization has prepared round tables, talks, book presentations and film screenings.

The program, as usual, has been expanded with the new book of the winner of the scholarship last year: on Monday, at the home of the Doctor of Arizkun, the black novel by Eneko Barberena has been talked. The following citations are detailed below:


25 Wednesday

Talk with Joseba Sarrionandia under the title Blood bearbaguea, agirtuco da eguia eurea, in the society Anizko Mendiarte at 19:00.

Friday 27

Screening of the film Kareletik, directed by Anjel Lertxundi, at 19:00 in the Civic Center of Irurita.

Saturday 28

11:00 Round table: Black white. Literary translations and translations, Garazi Arrula and Garazi Ugalde. Moderator: Amaia Apalauza. It will be held at the Casa de Cultura Arizkunenea de Elizondo.

14:00 Food in Erratzu society (to order tickets, write to

After the meal, several book presentations:

  • Jon Alonso, an Amaiur each year (Amaiurko Gaztelu Elkartea+(H)ilbeltza).
  • Mikel Alvarez, Euskalia (Elkar).
  • Gaizka Ugalde, translator of the book All Way by Leonardo Sciascia (Erein).

At dusk, Night of the sospechosos.Baz Town, by Erratzu.

29 Sunday

11:00 Black Return: Flushed body solase. It will be held in the parking lot of Oronoz.

19:00 Ruper Ordorika: black and white, Casa de Cultura Arizkunenea, Elizondo.