José Luis Rebordinos, director of the festival
"The movie 'No Me Ternera' must be seen before critique and not the other way around"
  • José Luis Rebordinos, director of the Film Festival, sent a letter to the press. He has criticised the letter from various Spanish media. In fact, several associations of victims are creating a stir in the screening of the film No me Terranova (Jordi Evole and Marius Sanchez, 2023) which will be premiered at Zinemaldia and ask for the screening to be cancelled.
Xalba Ramirez @xalbaram Irutxuloko Hitza @irutxulo 2023ko irailaren 14a

However, the letter sent to the media signed by 514 people, according to the Zinemaldia, has not even been sent. On behalf of the festival, Rebordinos pointed out that “it rejects the conduct of the justification of terrorism and assumes and defends the principles of human rights”.

They point out that the dialogue film starring Josu Urrutikoetxea “does not justify or justify ETA” and add that the Festival would not give any film with these premises.

Zinemaldia has criticized that these 514 people have not been in direct contact with them, and as Rebordinos said last week in the presentation of the program, behind them there are “controversial stakeholders”. Clearly states: “Don’t force me to watch the movie Ternera before criticizing it and not the other way around.” In this sense, Zinemaldia has announced that he would be willing to make a private projection to a small group of critics of the film.