Niger establishes a repatriation order and discourages institutions following the military coup
  • Head of State, Mohamed Bazoum, is arrested and removed by the military, arguing “the deterioration of the security situation” and “economic and social bad governance”. They close the borders, establish the order of residence and interrupt the functioning of all the institutions of the Republic.
Aitor Gurrutxaga Muñagorri 2023ko uztailaren 28a

A group of Niger military hit the state on Wednesday. arrest and dismissal of the Head of State of Mohames Bazoum, closure of borders, removal order and suspension of the operation of all the institutions of the Republic on the grounds of “deterioration of the security situation” and “economic and social malgovernance”. The National Council for the Protection of the Homeland CNSP has been established for the management of the country.

After the event, the government and the military face the story. The first says that the coup d'état has not been at all successful and the second the opposite. However, internal conflicts can be the cause of the coup. According to various means, there have been negotiations between the government and the military group, but they have not reached the “consensus”. Apparently, the hitting team is backed by the military leadership.

However, voices have also been heard to reject the coup. For example, Ecowas Africa Bola Tinbuk, leader of the Western Economic Community, has defended democracy: “Not everyone who loves democracy in the world must accept a situation that disables the democratically elected government in this country.”

The coming days will be decisive, as the future of the country will be clarified. It would be the seventh blow from 2020 to the present, the fourth in the country since 1960.