"It's an absurd measure, that movie theaters won't survive."
  • The Basque Government has reduced the capacity of cinemas from 60% to 35% and after denouncing the "lack of understanding" of the Basque Film Association, several actors and citizens have expressed their indignation on social networks. “This measure consists of firing the cultural sector in the head.”
Mikel Garcia Idiakez @mikelgi 2021eko uztailaren 27a

Actor Eneko Sagardoy has criticized that the measure is absurd because “the statistics and experience show that in the halls we don’t get infected” and has then addressed Iñigo Urkullu and Gotzone Sagardui: “Movie theaters won’t survive.” In this regard, it has asked the authorities of the Basque Government to reconsider the measures in view of the "high number of rooms".

Actor Josean Bengoetxea has also had harsh words: “But what is this, Iñigo Urkullu and Josu Erkoreka? Don't you care or want to finish the movie once? From the very beginning, it has been shown that nobody is infected with cinemas and theatres. We look forward to you! Nazka!”

Maitane Illarreta recalled that the security measures were taken with complete correctness: “Why do they always have to pay the same?”

"We're tired and tired."

We have also read with indignation to Lander Otaola on Twitter: “This measure consists of firing the cultural sector in the head. Coming to a premiere and taking a photo with the actors is not to support culture. We are sick and tired.”

According to the Association of Euskadi Film Halls, ten million euros lost by the pandemic in 2020, and after the “great effort” of the recovery rooms of the march in recent weeks, will now undergo further cuts.

Several rooms will close their doors as a protest.