Children will be the first in the aurresku of the Loinatz de Beasain festivities
  • This year, for the first time, the string of boys and girls will emerge in the soka-dantza of boys and girls from the festivities of Loinatz de Beasain. So far, the kids would take the aurresku out to the plaza and then invite the girls. 2019ko apirilaren 05
2014ko umeen soka-dantza Beasainen. Argazkia: Eire Vila - Dantzan

This year the City of Beasain, together with Aurtzaka and Ostadar Dantza Taldea, has agreed that from now on the girls and boys will be in charge of approving the proposal made by a group of neighbours. In the soka-dantza this year a maximum of forty dancers, twenty girls and twenty boys will participate. More than forty dancers have signed up to participate in the soka-dantza.

Boys and girls between the ages of 7 and 13 will pull the rope on June 4. Since the previous week the essays are underway, from Monday to Thursday the dance teachers meet at the Liceo Alkartasuna, from 17:30 to 18:30. Xabier Sarriegi, who worked as a professor for a long time, teaches in the same way as "Pasatxo"; the children know that the teachers are in the Liceo those days and at those hours, therefore, they approach him and teach them one by one.

On the other hand, from now on, every dancer will dance on the rope to whatever partner they want, regardless of gender. Now they're just learning and rehearsing the dantzaris that are going to come out of the first string, but in recent general trials, couples will also try. After the dantzaris learn each of their fragments, they assemble the rope with the couples and they will all together prepare all the parts of the aurresku.

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