Nerea Ibarzabal has obtained the highest score from the Baiona program and in the final three women will participate
  • 2,000 Bertsolari fans met on 26 November in the Lauga de Baiona room to enjoy the second semifinal. In view of the competition of the final, the program had an emotion, as Subai Colina and Beñat Gaztelumendi had to confirm their candidacy and, on the other hand, in the first semifinal, Julio Soto and Nerea Ibarzabal remained close to Aitor Larra at the points above the 1,329 works of Aitor Bizkarra. And yes, all of them.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko azaroaren 28a
Baionako saioa bukatu berritan. Argazkia: Alberto Elosegi /XDZ.

Nerea Ibarzabal scored 671.5 points, Subai Colina 668, Beñat Gaztelumendi 656.5 points, Julio Soto 643.5 points, Unai Agirre 639.5 points and Eñaut Martikore 584 points.

The topic of the Subai Hill chamber was the verse that got the most points in the session. Here you can see the points that each of the program's works collected, and here you can hear the verses of the Hill Chamber.

Here you can read the interview by Elixabet Etxandi to Nerea Ibarzabal just completed the session: "The Bertsos square has changed in recent years and I saw the danger that the final would stay away from the image of the square"

In the absence of the Bilbao session, what does the classification table say?

The third and final semi-final will be held in Bilbao on 3 December. There they will sing Aitor Mendiluze and Joanes Illarregi, who have a leg in the finish and have to finish the play. Amets Arzallus scored 688 points in the first session (like Oihana Iguaran and Julio Soto) and in the second session he will try to get the card for the end. And in the first session, Saioa Alkaiza and Jone Uria (Aitor Bizkarra, Nerea Ibarzabal and Agin Laburu, about 10 points lower than those obtained in the first lap) will try to jump to the max in search of the last card of the final.

All these options are open for now. But what is certain is that this year there will be at least three women in the final. In fact, Nerea Ibarzabal ranks fourth, and if the aforementioned Aitor Mendiluze, Joanes Illarregi and Amets Arzallus entered, Ibarzabal would be seventh in the final. Others who in Bilbao could earn more points than Ibarzabal would be Alkaiza, Uria and Maialen Arzallus, all women.

For the time being, the top ranks of the classification are: Alaia Martín has 1,405.5 points, Subai Colina 1.378, Beñat Gaztelumendi 1.373, Nerea Ibarzabal has 1,344.5 points, Julio Soto has 1,329.5 points and Aitor Bizkarra half with 1,329 points, and at the moment Oihana Iguaran occupies seventh place with 1,321 points.

Nerea Ibarzabal can dream of the final, as he said in the answers of Baiona points. And while awaiting the Bilbao programme, there is a great chance that a Navarro will participate in the end of this year, in the Basque Country Championship since very old. In fact, at the moment Julio Soto occupies the sixth place in the classification table and thanks to the points obtained by Joanes Illarregi in the first semifinal, he has at his disposal the possibility of finishing the play. If Mendiluze, Illarregi and Arzallus entered the final (or if Uria or Alkaizak got the card from the end), it would be at the gates of the Soto final, as imagined in the House of Baiona theme the round work he did in the beautiful melody.