Several hospitals try a pilot plan to reduce teen suicide attempts
  • The Survive plan is part of the University Hospital of Álava project and hope to have its results by January 2023.
Maddi Viana Zubimendi @maddi76_ 2022ko abuztuaren 12a
Arabako Unibertsitate Ospitalea. Argazkia: Wikimedia Commons.

Regarding data from the Spanish state, in 2006 there were 628 suicide attempts and in 2020 more than 2,092, more than triple. 1,511 were women. In addition, the Ministry of Health has pointed out that income from self-injuries has increased almost four times in the last two decades – 2000. It was 1,270 in 2000 and 4,048 in 2020. That's why he started the Survive project. Opened in 2019, its objective is to design the first prevention and reduction plan for suicide trials in adolescents 13 to 18 years of age.

In Euskal Herria also every year about 300 people commit suicide in Hego Euskal Herria. According to Berria in an article published in 2019, the second cause of death among children under 40 years of age after accidents is the leading cause. As far as the Northern Basque Country is concerned, although there is no specific number, the French Institute of Health, CepiDcr, estimated that 105 people performed themselves in 2015 in the department of the Atlantic Pyrenees, which includes Lapurdi, Baja Navarra and Zuberoa. In addition, there are more cases of suicide among the youngest and the oldest.

In particular, the plan consists of the provision of psychotherapy sessions, once a week and a total of six sessions, to 300 young people who have attempted suicide. Subsequently, the patient will be monitored during the third, sixth and duodé months cimo.Esperan that the results will be maintained by January 2023.

In addition, a security plan shall be available to the person receiving the monitoring. The Country receives the words of the psychologist Teresa Bobes, professor of the University of Oviedo, to explain its security plan: “This document is filled with the teenager and helps him detect the symptoms he presents when he begins to find him wrong. We identify what you can do at that time or which reference person you can go to.”

The next step will be to design a general plan to prevent and avoid the suicidal idea at the level of the Spanish state.