Teens believe adults are “hooked” on cell phones
  • In these times when many argue about how and when to give their children their first cell phone, teenagers have a lot to say: adults "are very cumbersome with their phones," they say they understand that they "want to protect children." I mean, we should start by studying the use of cell phones that we adults do.
Mikel Garcia Idiakez @mikelgi 2023ko azaroaren 22a
Nerabeei galdetuz gero, ez dute uste pantailak gehiegi erabiltzen dituztenik, gurasoek haiek adina erabiltzen dituztelako. Argazkia: Freepik

This is the opinion that Professor Telmo Lazkano has received from adolescents in the work done on the mobile, as well as the request that adults should be models as much as possible. Lazkano has participated in the adult guide to help adolescents on their way to the mobile, collecting the perspective of adolescents.

Both in this guide and in which the topic of mobile with children and young people is addressed, it is usually a recurring idea: first we have to reflect on the use we adults make and practice self-control over the use we make of mobile for us, but also on the use we make of mobile for children when they are in front of us and for children.

"It is impossible to educate in proper and conscious use of screens, if adults do not apply themselves"

Macsmile digital educators held over 1,500 sessions last year with students from Hego Euskal Herria, and among the conclusions highlight that when they turned 12, the time spent using screens increases exponentially. However, when students are asked, they do not believe they abuse the screens, as parents use them as much as they do. Digital educators criticize adults: parents, without being conscious, promote excessive screen consumption in their children, as they also consume a lot of screens and have not placed limits and standards on them since they were young in the digital world. As a model, "it is impossible to educate in proper and conscious use of screens, if adults do not apply themselves".

In a video that has become viral on social media, a parent shows her son's reaction when his father is with his phone and is without him. This is what the writer Ángel Erro says: "Parents feel impaired by their children's mobile phone (online) (they are educating us children!) denounce (let's not let our cell phone be used until we're 16), ignoring their everyday use, even to distract children."




In a very widespread video, a father shows his son's reaction when his father is with his cellphone and is without him.