A 20-year-old is attempting suicide, according to a study
  • They have published the study conducted by the Superior Council of Psychology of Spain and the Spanish Psychofoundation. Education is an evidence-based psychological research in contexts that studies, among other things, the mental health of children and young people.
Aitor Gurrutxaga Muñagorri 2023ko ekainaren 20a

4.9% of adolescents from the Spanish state have been published in a study by the General Council of Psychology and the Spanish Psychofoundation. Álava reports that it is the largest study conducted on the mental health of children and young people and the effectiveness of psychological interventions in school contexts. 8,749 adolescents aged 14 to 18 years have participated.

According to the data obtained, 12% had scores compatible with the risk of poor mental health and 16% were within the limit. It should be taken into account that women have a higher risk of suffering mental health problems than men, the first 16.6% and the second 6.3%.

In anxiety, 6% have severe symptoms, 26% moderate symptoms. “For example, if we put as an example a class of 25 students, approximately four would have severe depressive symptoms,” explains Eduardo Fonseca, principal investigator of the study.