Create a symbol to ensure the proximity of agri-food products in Navarra
  • Companies that have a proximity mark and do not comply with the requirements of the new Short Way Foral Food Law will be fined. There must be no more than one mediator between the producer and the purchaser.
Mikel Urabaien Otamendi @mikel_ura 2023ko otsailaren 24a

The Navarre Parliament has put in place a law to create a logo to enable customers to know that agri-food products are local. At the Committee on Development and the Environment, held on Wednesday, all parties were in favour of the initiative and, certainly, the new Short Way Foral Law for Food Marketing will be voted and adopted in plenary on 2 March.

The new label certifying this “short road” of the production chain will differentiate two types of food: on the one hand, direct selling between farmer and buyer and, on the other hand, the nearby sales chains formed by a producer and seller. In other words, there can be no transporters or other intermediaries.

In this way, the Foral Parliament wants to boost local organic production and consumption. At the same time, the register of short agri-food marketing routes will be renewed to allow the Government of Navarra to quantify local organic farming.

The competent bodies in the field of health and rural development, communities and municipalities are, for the most part, obliged to draw up guides to good health and hygiene practice within 18 months of the adoption of the law. The schemes shall determine the adaptations in the production, preparation, processing and marketing stages of food.

Companies that carry in their products the short-haul badge but do not respect the conditions of the intermediaries or any other legal entity shall be fined, according to an instance filed by EH Bildu.

The PSN, Geroa Bai, Ahal Duguk and Left-Ezkerra voted yes to the ten contributions of the Abertzale left party. Navarre Suma has voted against it in all cases and has presented 15 other instances that no one has supported.