Negotiating skills
Gorka Peñagarikano Goikoetxea 2023ko abuztuaren 30
Jaurlaritzak abuztuaren 29an abiatu du urte politiko berria, ohiko legez, Donostiako Miramar Jauregian eginiko Gobernu Kontseiluan. Argazkian, Urkullu Lehendakaria hizketan, gobernuko kideak aurrean dituela. (Argazkia: Irekia)

No headline shows what the Government marked phosphorite at this beginning of the new political course. Urkullu committed us to focusing on the "continual improvement" of public services, housing policy and equality, and to promoting "quality" employment. The journalists encouraged him with the political situation in Spain, and the Lehendakari, with more or less intentions, put the point in the matter with the following reading: In order for the new government of Spain to have the guarantee of governance, the nationalist and nationalist parties must at the end start and support, from investiture, to budgeting and debate and, if possible, approval of the most important legal initiatives for Moncloa. The game of abstention or the negatives of each other no longer makes sense, everyone will always have to say yes. Thus, taking this opportunity, Urkullu suggests that Spain needs a “new model of state”.

More than at home, most agents are looking towards Spain. And after seeing how the game table is in Spain, tests are carried out inside the home. Both the PNV and EH Bildu are expected to support the PSOE candidate in Madrid, but one of the biggest doubts is who benefits this, who is able to press and negotiate better with the PSOE and, of course, highlight it.

The difference between nationalists and sovereigns is marked by the Housing Law, which will mark the distance in the domestic policies that will mark the script, since the elections to the Parliament of Vitoria that have not yet date are in the spotlight. The PNV has for many years been “the voice of the Basque Country in Madrid”, agent of transfers of competences, but has argued that the housing law “violates its own competences”, although the Generalitat will use the rules of “reinforcement”, and when the Catalans can be on the verge of getting the transfer of the entire railway service of Renfe, the citizenship is increasingly empty that the train The road map for transferring the competence of the local train to the government has become obsolete and I believe that no one now remembers the time when they sold us “can be done at tomorrow’s meeting” and the like.

A complicated political year in this part of the world. No real Osakidetza solutions are envisaged, society has desperately recognised endless and often unsustainable waiting lists, inaccessible housing and large losses of purchasing power. Let us see in which Parliament these last issues can be resolved. Perhaps that is why nobody has labeled the "tasks of this year" that Urkullu and his cabinets wanted to highlight.