In the event of the 40th anniversary of the employer Confesbask, among other activities, several companies have taken the floor. The round table, led by Isabel Busto, former president of Confesbask, was attended by entrepreneurs Mario Ruiz-Tagle, executive director of Iberdrola, Andrés Arrizkorreta, president of CAF, and Jesús Arregui. The European headquarters of the American multinational Snap-On is in Vitoria, where Arregui is vice-president.
According to the diagnosis of the three entrepreneurs, Álava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa find it difficult to attract talent, among other things because there are "few" international schools. Foreign-talented workers make temporary stays in different places and "value" the transfer of the family to them, according to the aforementioned entrepreneurs. They highlight the lack of English, French and German centres.
"Bizkaia alone saves," said Arregui, from the multinational Snap-On: "There are hardly any offers in Álava and Gipuzkoa." Ruiz Tagl de Iberdrola believes the problem can "get worse": "Talent attraction policies are lacking, they should be basic. The need is already being visualized."
For his part, CAF president Arrizkorreta pointed out another "shortage", the High-Speed Train: "Several projects and their construction take many years. They're urgent. For once we connect with Europe, the Atlantic Arc and the Plateau."
Confesbask: Employers deserve greater social recognition
Confesbask celebrates its 40th anniversary. The event was held on Monday at the Guggenheim Bilbao, with the presence of the Lehendakari of the Basque Government, Iñigo Urkullu, representatives of the Vizcainas and Bilbaínas institutions, and the Spanish business association, Antonio Garamendi. The king of Spain, Felipe de Borbón, has also been present. About 400 people have been invited to the event.
Tamara Yagüe, new president of Confesbask, stressed that the 40 years were "tough" and believes that society has not offered the necessary recognition to entrepreneurs: "We are convinced that the role, work and commitment of entrepreneurs deserve greater social recognition than we have today." Yagüe expressed his gratitude to those who have been in the confederation of Confesbask, especially those who had responsibilities in the "infinite years of terrorism". CEOE President Antonio Garamendi also spoke on the subject: "It would be convenient for someone to apologize for what happened then."
Garamendi, incidentally, has also addressed the current situation. He has applauded the action of employers because they are "supporters of dialogue" and has drawn attention to certain attitudes of trade unions and workers, because he does not say that climate of dialogue. "Here in the Basque Country, there are the biggest strikes in the state, and I don't think that's a pride."