In addition to Macriz, the head of the cabinet of ministers, Marcos Peña, the minister of the economy, Nicolás Dujovne, and the president of the Argentine central bank, Luis Caputo, are also charged. The prosecutor has also announced his intention to charge "anyone who has participated or had responsibility in the decision as investigations proceed" on the case.
The prosecutor’s decision responds to a complaint lodged by the Unidad Popular party and several Basque leftist organizations, led by EA. According to the complainants, the Government's request to the IMF for a $50 billion loan last May (EUR 43.169 million) is a measure contrary to the Argentine Constitution.
The complaint emphasized that the Macri Executive had to pass this decision by the screening of the legislature, which is the Argentine Congress, but the Government missed that step by considering that the Congress has no competence to do so.